Initial Consultation
Our patients are usually referred to Santis by their GPs, having already had tests conducted. However, you can also book a consultation with us directly if you would prefer.
The consultation takes approximately half an hour, during which you’ll have a chance to discuss your test results with your appointed consultant surgeon (if you have had tests done already) and ask any questions that you might have about your health and the best options to treat any issues. If you haven’t had any tests performed yet, we may conduct a PSA blood test, a rectal exam, a MRI scan and/or a biopsy to get a clear idea of your health.

You’ve already been diagnosed
with prostate cancer.
Your consultant surgeon will review the results of your tests, discussing the implications of them with you and making recommendations for a successful treatment if required. This may involve surgery, but other options are available such as surveillance and radiotherapy. If surgery is recommended, we are able to perform your operation within 2-3 weeks of your consultation to ensure a best result.
You haven’t been diagnosed with prostate cancer, but you have been referred for discussion of your test results.
Your consultant surgeon will be able to make an
informed diagnosis of your condition given your test
results, but may also choose to conduct more tests to
give a fuller picture. These can take place on site for
your convenience.