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Introducing the Surgery Results Calculator

From speaking to thousands of men who hadn’t yet decided on choosing surgery to treat their prostate cancer, I know that worries about potency and continence after surgery are very real for them – even though in the hands of a skilled surgeon these risks are low. At the same time, I’ve authored numerous studies of my patients on their results for cancer cure, potency and continence after surgery, with the challenge being communicating my academic data to these men in an accessible way.

That’s why today I’m pleased to announce the launch of the Surgery Results Calculator. This interactive online tool allows you to view more than 340 surgical results carefully collected over several years, giving you anonymised patient data on their age, PSA level, Gleason score and stage before surgery – and their results for cancer control, potency and continence after surgery. Most usefully, if you already know your Gleason score and stage from your test results, you can filter the data to see results for similar men to you, and so how surgery might be a good option for you.

View the Surgery Results Calculator

I am proud of the exceptional patient results that my team and I achieve together, and going forwards I’ll be looking to add even more patient results to the database, with the aim of creating the best online resource for men looking for honest, clear information on surgical results. If you have any suggestions on how the tool can be improved or if there’s specific patient data you would like to be displayed, then I would be delighted to hear from you.

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